Megan graduated from Westminster in May and will be off to Disneyworld soon for an incredible internship. We are simultaneously happy for Megan and sad for us. Megan started babysitting for Lizzie and Nat in the 2nd semester of her freshman year. She became part of our family and, in Lizzie's eyes, a real life Disney princess. In this case, I completely approve of Lizzie's choice of a princess to emulate. Megan, we miss you and know you will be a loving and intelligent force in this world.
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Oh goodness, this has made me cry happy and sad tears all at the same time! I miss you guys so much and think about you often. I love that you have this blog so that I can keep up with Nat and Lizzie's lives as they grow; and I plan on making you all my permanent penpals as time goes on. Thank you for this post :) It makes me so happy! I'll miss my New Wilmington family. Love you all! Please give Nat and Lizzie hugs from me! Have fun on your summer vacation!